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Command.Auction.BidfunctionBids on an auction.
Command.Auction.CancelfunctionCancels an auction.
Command.Auction.PostfunctionPosts a new auction.
Command.Auction.ScanfunctionRequests an auction house scan. If "index" is omitted then this function will error if the "aucti...
Event.Auction.ScanSignals incoming auction data.
Inspect.Auction.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about auctions.
Utility.Auction.CostfunctionReturns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given auction.


Bids on an auction.


Interaction category: auction

Command.Auction.Bid(auction, bid)
Command.Auction.Bid(auction, bid, callback)
auctionparameterauctionThe auction to be targeted.
bidparameternumberThe amount to bid. To place a buyout, simply bid the buyout value.
callbackparametercallbackfunctionA standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.


Cancels an auction.


Interaction category: auction

Command.Auction.Cancel(auction, callback)
auctionparameterauctionThe auction to be targeted.
callbackparametercallbackfunctionA standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.


Posts a new auction.


Interaction category: auction


Command.Auction.Post(item, time, bid, buyout)
Command.Auction.Post(item, time, bid, buyout, callback)
bidparameternumberThe minimum bid for the new auction, in silver.
buyoutparameternumber/nilThe buyout for the new auction, in silver. nil if no buyout is desired.
callbackparametercallbackfunctionA standard command callback, used for detecting success or failure. See the "callbackfunction" documentation for more details.
itemparameteritemThe ID of the item to be auctioned.
timeparameternumberThe duration that the auction should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.


Requests an auction house scan. If "index" is omitted then this function will error if the "auctionfullscan" queue is not ready. Otherwise, this function is subject to the "global" command queue.


Interaction category: auction

parametersparametertableTable containing data about the requested scan.
category: Category to search for. Same as the "category" member returned by Inspect.Item.Detail(). Optional.
index: Numeric item index to start the scan at. If provided, the auction scan will return the first 50 items immediately following this index.
levelMax: Maximum level the item must require. Optional.
levelMin: Minimum level the item must require. Optional.
priceMax: Maximum price of the item. Optional.
priceMin: Minimum price of the item. Optional.
rarity: The minimum rarity to search for. Same as the "rarity" member returned by Inspect.Item.Detail(). Optional.
role: The role that the item must be compatible with. One of "mage", "rogue", "cleric", or "warrior". Optional.
sort: Which column the requested items should be sorted based on. One of "rarity", "name", "level", "time", "seller", "pricePerUnit", "bid", "buyout", "stack". Optional.
sortOrder: What order to sort in. One of "ascending" or "descending". Optional.
text: A string to search for in the item name. Optional.
type: Type of scan to perform. One of "search", "mine", or "bids". If "mine" or "bids", must be the only member in the table.


Signals incoming auction data.


Event.Auction.Scan(type, auctions)
auctionsparameter<nope>A table of the auctions returned from this scan.
typeparametervariantA table containing information on this scan. In the same format as the parameter to Command.Auction.Scan().


Provides detailed information about auctions.


Interaction category: auction

detail = Inspect.Auction.Detail(auction)
details = Inspect.Auction.Detail(auctions)
auctionparameterauctionAn identifier for the auction to retrieve detail for.
auctionsparametertableA table containing auction identifiers to retrieve details for. The value is the sort order.
detailresulttableDetail table for a single auction.
detailsresulttableDetail tables for all requested auctions. The key is the auction ID, the value is the auction's detail table.
bid The current bid on this auction, in silver.
bidder Current high bidder on this auction. Available only if your current character is the bidder or the seller.
buyout The buyout amount for this auction, in silver.
id The ID of the requested element.
item ID of the item involved in the auction.
itemStack The size of this item stack.
itemType The item's type specifier.
seller The name of the auction's seller.
time Time remaining in the auction, as a string. Either "short", "medium", or "long".


Returns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given auction.


cost = Utility.Auction.Cost(item, time, bid, buyout)
bidparameternumberThe minimum bid for the new auction, in silver.
buyoutparameternumber/nilThe buyout for the new auction, in silver. nil if no buyout is desired.
itemparameteritemThe ID of the item to be auctioned.
timeparameternumberThe duration that the auction should last, in hours. Valid values are limited to 12, 24, and 48.
costresultnumberThe cost of posting this auction, in silver.

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