
Gets the current parameters for the Glow effect.


effect = Text:GetEffectGlow()
effectresultnil, tableThe current parameters for this effect. All members are optional. Pass nil to disable the effect.
blurX Controls how much blurring exists along the X axis. Defaults to 2.
blurY Controls how much blurring exists along the Y axis. Defaults to 2.
colorA Controls the alpha channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 1.
colorB Controls the blue channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
colorG Controls the green channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
colorR Controls the red channel of the glow effect. Defaults to 0.
knockout Enables the "knockout" effect. Defaults to false.
offsetX Controls the glow offset along the X axis. Defaults to 0.
offsetY Controls the glow offset along the Y axis. Defaults to 0.
replace Hides the original text. Defaults to false.
strength Controls the strength of the glow. Defaults to 1.