
Provides detailed information about minions.


detail = Inspect.Minion.Minion.Detail(minion)
details = Inspect.Minion.Minion.Detail(minions)
minionparameterminionminionThe identifier of the minion to retrieve detail for.
minionsparametertableA table of identifiers of minions to retrieve detail for.
detailresulttableDetail table for a single minion.
detailsresulttableDetail table for all requested minions. The key is the minion ID, the value is the minion's detail table.
description The description of this minion.
experienceAccumulated If not at max level, this minion's accumulated experience in their current level.
experienceNeeded If not at max level, the amount of experience required to gain a level.
id The ID of the requested element.
level The current level of this minion.
name The name of this minion.
rarity The rarity of this minion. "common", "uncommon", "rare", or "epic".
stamina The current stamina of this minion.
staminaMax The maximum stamina of this minion.
statAir This minion's Air stat.
statArtifact This minion's Artifact stat.
statAssassination This minion's Assassination stat.
statDeath This minion's Death stat.
statDimension This minion's Dimension stat.
statDiplomacy This minion's Diplomacy stat.
statEarth This minion's Earth stat.
statExploration This minion's Exploration stat.
statFire This minion's Fire stat.
statHarvesting This minion's Harvesting stat.
statHunting This minion's Hunting stat.
statLife This minion's Life stat.
statWater This minion's Water stat.