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Utility.Matrix.CreatefunctionCreates a transformation matrix table. These can also be created by hand; this is simply a conven...


Creates a transformation matrix table. These can also be created by hand; this is simply a convenience routine. Applies scaling first, then rotation, then translation.


matrix = Utility.Matrix.Create(scaleX, scaleY, rotate, translateX, translateY)
rotateparameternumber/nilRotation amount in radians. Defaults to 0.
scaleXparameternumber/nilScaling along the X axis. Defaults to 1.
scaleYparameternumber/nilScaling along the Y axis. Defaults to 1.
translateXparameternumber/nilTranslation along the X axis. Defaults to 0.
translateYparameternumber/nilTranslation along the Y axis. Defaults to 0.
matrixresulttableMatrix table suitable for "transform" members.

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