Holiday season retail secrets


Categories: Personal

I see no reason why WikiLeaks should have a monopoly on revealing carefully-guarded secrets. What I’m about to reveal to you are secrets more closely guarded than the formula for Coca Cola. Most people would not believe these things even if you told them. They are outlandish, they are implausible, and most people would never imagine them. And yet, I tell you: They are true.

I dunno what it is about Christmas shopping that makes people be assholes to retail workers. But, you know. Knock it off. They have homes to go back to, for the most part. They have families to be with. They have friends. They have, in short, just as much right to a peaceful or relaxing holiday season as you do.

And, here’s the other secret: If you treat them decently, you’ll get better service. Works way, way, better than yelling at them. So even if you’re completely free of genuine concern for fellow human beings, and all you want is to get good service, you’ll still be better off being nice.

Comments [archived]

From: Christine K.
Date: 2011-09-10 23:25:34 -0500

* Word of the day, every day: Prophylactic.

If you used one, I wouldn’t have to witness your bad parenting or be subjected to “Bring your screaming child to Target day”. Everyone is staring at you, not just the underpaid retail worker.


Over worked, under paid, exhausted, retail worker.