I do a cool scripty thing.


Categories: Personal

My spouse’s comic, Metanoia, is getting closer to being done. He designed a web page for it, which had the text “Here Peter does a cool scripty thing” on it. The idea is that I’m supposed to create the index pages the comic will use. So, I created a couple of scripts, and now, if his laptop hasn’t fallen asleep, I can read the comic. Well, the first five pages. A page of comic takes a long time to draw, ink, and shade. I think it’ll be a page or two a week… but it’s looking pretty cool, so far. In the first five pages, we have sodomy and at least one possible death. It’s sorta disturbing, but at least I don’t feel that the author is coddling me, or shielding me from the gritty realities of the setting.

With any luck, the official launch will be this weekend sometime.