
Sets the mask shape. Note that masks with custom shapes will not cull mouse events according to the custom shape.


pathparametertable, nilA path. Consists of a table containing a series of tables, with consecutive integer keys starting from 1. Each internal table contains coordinates, either as an absolute value relative to the top-left corner of the frame, or Proportional to the frame size, as a number from 0 to 1. Giving both an absolute value and a proportional value for any coordinate is not allowed. Members:
x/xProportional: x coordinate of this point. Required.
y/yProportional: y coordinate of this point. Required.
xControl/xControlProportional: x coordinate of the curve control handle. If this exists, yControl/yControlProportional must also exist.
yControl/yControlProportional: y coordinate of the curve control handle. If this exists, xControl/xControlProportional must also exist.