INDEX (Full Listing)


Ability Achievement Addon Attunement
Auction Buff Canvas Chat
Combat Console Context Currency
Cursor Dimension Dispatch Documentation
Element Event Experience Faction
Frame Guild Interaction Item
Layout Mail Map Mask
Matrix Message Minion Miscellaneous
Mouse Native Pvp Quest
Queue RiftButton RiftCheckbox RiftScrollbar
RiftSlider RiftTextfield RiftWindow RiftWindowBorder
RiftWindowContent Role Serialize Setting
Shard Slash Social Stat
Storage System TEMPORARY Text
Texture Time Title Tooltip
Type UI Unit Zone
CanvasA UI element of type Canvas or derived from Canvas.
Canvas.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
Canvas.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
Canvas.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
Canvas.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
Canvas.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
Canvas.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
Canvas.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Canvas.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Canvas.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
Canvas.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
Canvas.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Canvas.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Canvas.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
Canvas.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Canvas.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Canvas.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Canvas.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
Canvas.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Canvas.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Canvas.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Canvas.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
Canvas.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Canvas.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
Canvas.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Canvas.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Canvas.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Canvas.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Canvas.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Canvas.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
Canvas.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Canvas.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Canvas.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
Canvas.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
Canvas.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
Canvas:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
Canvas:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
Canvas:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
Canvas:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
Canvas:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Canvas:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Canvas:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Canvas:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Canvas:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Canvas:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
Canvas:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
Canvas:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Canvas:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Canvas:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
Canvas:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Canvas:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Canvas:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
Canvas:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
Canvas:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Canvas:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
Canvas:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
Canvas:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Canvas:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Canvas:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
Canvas:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Canvas:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
Canvas:GetShapefunctionReturns the current canvas shape.
Canvas:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
Canvas:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
Canvas:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Canvas:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Canvas:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
Canvas:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Canvas:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Canvas:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Canvas:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Canvas:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
Canvas:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
Canvas:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
Canvas:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
Canvas:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
Canvas:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
Canvas:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
Canvas:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
Canvas:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
Canvas:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
Canvas:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
Canvas:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
Canvas:SetShapefunctionSets the canvas shape. Must have at least one of "fill" or "stroke".
Canvas:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
Canvas:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
Canvas:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
Command.Achievement.WatchfunctionWatches an achievement, possibly unwatching another item if the player is already watching the ma...
Command.Auction.AnalyzefunctionRequests auction statistics from the server. The results will be sent to Event.Auction.Statistics...
Command.Auction.BidfunctionBids or buys out an auction.
Command.Auction.CancelfunctionCancels an auction.
Command.Auction.FulfillfunctionFulfills an existing buy order.
Command.Auction.OrderfunctionPosts a new buy order.
Command.Auction.PostfunctionPosts a new auction.
Command.Auction.ScanfunctionRequests an auction house scan. For type "search", if "index" is omitted then this function will ...
Command.Buff.CancelfunctionCancels a buff on the player. Not all buffs are cancelable.
Command.Buff.DescribefunctionRequests a detailed description for a given buff.
Command.Console.DisplayfunctionPrints a line of text in a console window of your choice. Note that the line length is limited, i...
Command.CursorfunctionChanges the contents of the cursor. Ability cursors may be set only if the environment is not in ...
Command.Dimension.Layout.PickupfunctionPick up the specified dimension item from the world to your inventory.
Command.Dimension.Layout.PlacefunctionPlaces the item (dimension or inventory) in your current dimension and modifies the details speci...
Command.Dimension.Layout.SelectfunctionSelects or deselects the specified dimension item.
Command.Event.AttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Command.Event.DetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Command.Guild.Bank.DepositfunctionDeposits money into the guild bank.
Command.Guild.Bank.PurchasefunctionPurchases a new guild bank vault.
Command.Guild.Bank.WithdrawfunctionWithdraws money from the guild bank.
Command.Guild.Log.RequestfunctionRequests a guild log event.
Command.Guild.MotdfunctionChanges the guild's Message of the Day.
Command.Guild.Roster.DemotefunctionDemotes a guildmember by one rank.
Command.Guild.Roster.KickfunctionKicks a guildmember from the guild.
Command.Guild.Roster.NotefunctionChanges your guild note.
Command.Guild.Roster.NoteOfficerfunctionChanges a guildmember's officer note.
Command.Guild.Roster.PromotefunctionPromotes a guildmember by one rank.
Command.Guild.Wall.DeletefunctionDeletes an entry from the guild wall.
Command.Guild.Wall.PostfunctionPosts an entry to the guild wall.
Command.Guild.Wall.RequestfunctionRequests a guild wall event.
Command.Item.DestroyfunctionDestroys an item. Be careful: this really does destroy an item. There is no confirmation dialog a...
Command.Item.MovefunctionMoves an item from one location to another. This cannot move items directly between equipment, wa...
Command.Item.SplitfunctionSplits a number of items off a stack.
Command.Item.Standard.DragfunctionBehaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is dragged.
Command.Item.Standard.DropfunctionBehaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is dropped.
Command.Item.Standard.LeftfunctionBehaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is left-clicked.
Command.Item.Standard.RightfunctionBehaves in the same way that the addon system does when an inventory icon is right-clicked.
Command.Mail.DeletefunctionDeletes a mail.
Command.Mail.OpenfunctionOpens a mail, retrieving detailed information for it.
Command.Mail.PayfunctionPays the COD fee on a mail.
Command.Mail.ReturnfunctionReturns a mail to its sender.
Command.Mail.SendfunctionSends mail.
Command.Mail.SpamfunctionMarks mail as spam.
Command.Mail.TakefunctionTakes an attached item from mail.
Command.Map.MonitorfunctionControls the state of the map monitor flag. When enabled, mainmap data will be received, updating...
Command.Map.Waypoint.ClearfunctionClears the player's current waypoint.
Command.Map.Waypoint.SetfunctionSets the player's waypoint.
Command.Message.AcceptfunctionSets the environment to accept a given type and identifier of message. Parameters can be replaced...
Command.Message.BroadcastfunctionBroadcast an unreliable addon message to some number of targets. This message will be dropped sil...
Command.Message.RejectfunctionSets the environment to reject a given type and identifier of message. Directly cancels out singl...
Command.Message.SendfunctionSend an reliable addon message to a single target. The callback will respond with success only o...
Command.Minion.ClaimfunctionClaims an award from a minion adventure in "finished" mode.
Command.Minion.HurryfunctionHurry a minion adventure in "working" mode.
Command.Minion.SendfunctionSend a minion on an adventure.
Command.Minion.ShufflefunctionShuffle an adventure for a new option.
Command.Minion.UnlockfunctionUnlock another minion adventure slot.
Command.Quest.AbandonfunctionAbandons the given quest. Permitted only on personal quests.
Command.Quest.SharefunctionShares the given quest. Permitted only on personal quests.
Command.Quest.TrackfunctionTracks the current quest, un-tracking any other quest that may be tracked. Pass in "nil" to cance...
Command.Quest.WatchfunctionWatches a quest, possibly unwatching another item if the player is already watching the maximum i...
Command.Queue.HandlerfunctionSets the queue handler function. The queue handler function will be called when a Command.* funct...
Command.Slash.RegisterfunctionRegisters a new chat slash command, inserts a new event handle into the Event.Slash hierarchy, an...
Command.Social.Friend.AddfunctionAdds a player to your friend list.
Command.Social.Friend.NotefunctionChanges a friend's personal note.
Command.Social.Friend.RemovefunctionRemoves a player from your friend list.
Command.Social.Ignore.AddfunctionAdds an player to your ignore list.
Command.Social.Ignore.NotefunctionChanges an ignored player's personal note.
Command.Social.Ignore.RemovefunctionRemoves a player from your ignore list.
Command.Storage.ClearfunctionRemove an element from a storage segment. If accessing guild storage, you will need write access ...
Command.Storage.GetfunctionGets a specific element from a target's storage. The result will be sent to Event.Storage.Get. Th...
Command.Storage.ListfunctionLists the visible elements in a target's storage. The results will be sent to Event.Storage.List....
Command.Storage.SetfunctionSets a storage element. If accessing guild storage, you will need the Write to Guild Addon Stora...
Command.System.FlashfunctionControls the flashing of the Rift taskbar icon.
Command.System.StrictfunctionPuts the environment into Strict mode. In Strict mode, deprecated functions and events will throw...
Command.System.Texture.RecordfunctionBegin recording Rift UI textures. The texture list will be transmitted via Event.System.Texture d...
Command.System.Watchdog.QuietfunctionSignificantly increases the time required for the watchdog to generate warnings. Intended for boo...
Command.Title.PrefixfunctionChanges the player's prefix title.
Command.Title.SuffixfunctionChanges the player's suffix title.
Command.TooltipfunctionChanges the displayed tooltip.
Command.UI.ErrorfunctionDisplay the addon error dialog.
Command.Unit.MenufunctionCreates a standard context menu targeted at the unit of choice.
ContextA UI element of type Context or derived from Context.
ElementA UI element of type Element or derived from Element.
Event.Ability.New.AddSignals the addition of a player ability.
Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.BeginSignals the start of an ability's cooldown.
Event.Ability.New.Cooldown.EndSignals the end of an ability's cooldown. All the values in the "cooldown" parameter will be 0.
Event.Ability.New.Range.FalseSignals a player ability exiting range from its current target.
Event.Ability.New.Range.TrueSignals a player ability entering range from its current target.
Event.Ability.New.RemoveSignals the removal of a player ability.
Event.Ability.New.TargetSignals a player ability changing its current target.
Event.Ability.New.Usable.FalseSignals a player ability becoming unusable.
Event.Ability.New.Usable.TrueSignals a player ability becoming usable.
Event.Achievement.CompleteSignals an achievement completing.
Event.Achievement.UpdateSignals a change in an achievement's information.
Event.Addon.Load.BeginSignals the beginning of an addon's loading sequence.
Event.Addon.Load.EndSignals the end of an addon's loading sequence. At this point, that addon is fully loaded and ini...
Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.BeginSignals the beginning of an addon's saved variable loading.
Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Load.EndSignals the end of an addon's saved variable load.
Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.BeginSignals the beginning of an addon's saved variable saving.
Event.Addon.SavedVariables.Save.EndSignals the end of an addon's saved variable saving.
Event.Addon.Shutdown.BeginSignals the beginning of the shutdown sequence.
Event.Addon.Shutdown.EndSignals the end of the shutdown sequence. This is the last event that will be sent.
Event.Addon.Startup.EndSignals the end of the startup sequence. At this point, all addons are fully loaded and initialized.
Event.Attunement.Progress.AccumulatedSignals your accumulated attunement experience changing.
Event.Attunement.Progress.AvailableSignals your available attunement points changing.
Event.Attunement.Progress.RestedSignals your available attunement rested experience changing.
Event.Attunement.Progress.SpentSignals your spent attunement points changing.
Event.Auction.ScanSignals incoming auction data.
Event.Auction.StatisticsSignals receipt of auction statistics.
Event.Buff.AddSignals new buffs on a unit.
Event.Buff.ChangeSignals a change in existing buffs on a unit.
Event.Buff.DescriptionSignals a change in an existing buff's detailed description. Value of the key is "true" if detail...
Event.Buff.RemoveSignals removal of buffs from a unit.
Event.Chat.NotifySignals a screen notification. This is generally used as a warning mechanism during boss fights.
Event.Chat.NpcSignals an NPC speaking a line of text.
Event.Combat.DamageSignals damage done to a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this ...
Event.Combat.DeathSignals the death of a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this ev...
Event.Combat.DodgeSignals a unit dodging an ability. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within t...
Event.Combat.HealSignals healing done to a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within this...
Event.Combat.ImmuneSignals a unit resisting an ability through immunity. All units referenced by this event will be ...
Event.Combat.MissSignals an ability's effect missing a unit. All units referenced by this event will be accessible...
Event.Combat.ParrydeprecatedSignals a unit parrying an ability. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within ...
Event.Combat.ResistSignals a unit resisting an ability. All units referenced by this event will be accessible within...
Event.CurrencySignals a change in the player's available currency.
Event.CursorSignals that the cursor has changed.
Event.Dimension.Layout.AddSignals that a dimension item has been added.
Event.Dimension.Layout.RemoveSignals that a dimension item has been removed.
Event.Dimension.Layout.UpdateSignals that a dimension item has been updated.
Event.Experience.AccumulatedSignals your accumulated experience changing.
Event.Experience.RestedSignals your available rested experience changing.
Event.Faction.NotorietySignals a change in the player's faction notoriety.
Event.Guild.Bank.ChangeSignals a change in a guild bank vault's information.
Event.Guild.Bank.CoinSignals a change in the guild bank's money.
Event.Guild.LogSignals incoming guild log data. Can be triggered manually with Command.Guild.Log.Request().
Event.Guild.MotdSignals a change in the guild Message of the Day.
Event.Guild.RankSignals a change in one of your guild's ranks.
Event.Guild.Roster.AddSignals a new player added to the guild roster.
Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.LevelSignals a change in a guildmember's level.
Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.NoteSignals a change in a guildmember's note.
Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.NoteOfficerSignals a change in a guildmember's officer note.
Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.RankSignals a change in a guildmember's rank.
Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.StatusSignals a change in a guildmember's status.
Event.Guild.Roster.Detail.ZoneSignals a change in a guildmember's zone.
Event.Guild.Roster.RemoveSignals a player removed from the guild roster.
Event.Guild.WallSignals incoming guild wall data. Can be triggered manually with Command.Guild.Wall.Request().
Event.InteractionSignals a change in available interaction types.
Event.Item.SlotSignals that the contents of an item slot have changed.
Event.Item.UpdateSignals that an item has changed.
Event.MailSignals a change in the available mail messages.
Event.Map.AddSignals the addition of a map element.
Event.Map.ChangeSignals the change of a map element, in some manner besides coordinates.
Event.Map.Detail.CoordSignals the coordinate change of a map element.
Event.Map.RemoveSignals the removal of a map element.
Event.Map.Waypoint.UpdateSignals the change of a player's waypoint.
Event.Message.ReceiveSignals the receipt of an addon message.
Event.Minion.Adventure.ChangeSignals a change in a minion adventure.
Event.Minion.Minion.ChangeSignals a change in a minion.
Event.Mouse.MoveSignals the mouse moving.
Event.Pvp.History.FavorSignals your historical favor changing.
Event.Pvp.History.Kill.TodaySignals your daily kill count changing.
Event.Pvp.Prestige.AccumulatedSignals your accumulated prestige changing.
Event.Pvp.Prestige.RankSignals your prestige rank changing.
Event.Quest.AbandonSignals that a quest has been abandoned.
Event.Quest.AcceptSignals that a quest has been accepted.
Event.Quest.ChangeSignals that a quest has been changed in some manner, most likely progress in an objective.
Event.Quest.CompleteSignals that a quest has been completed.
Event.Queue.StatusSignals that a queue may have left or entered the throttled state.
Event.Social.FriendSignals a change in your friend list.
Event.Social.IgnoreSignals a change in your ignore list.
Event.StatSignals a change in the player's stats.
Event.Storage.GetSignals receiving storage data from a target.
Event.Storage.ListSignals receiving a list of storage elements from a target.
Event.System.ErrorSignals that an addon error has occurred. To prevent infinite loops, errors in handlers for this ...
Event.System.Secure.EnterSignals that the system is entering Secure mode. Usually this is equivalent to entering combat. F...
Event.System.Secure.LeaveSignals that the system is leaving Secure mode. Usually this is equivalent to leaving combat. Fun...
Event.System.TextureSignals information on Rift UI textures that have been seen.
Event.System.Update.BeginSignals the beginning of a frame render. This is your last chance to make UI changes for this frame.
Event.System.Update.EndSignals the end of a frame render.
Event.TEMPORARY.ExperiencedeprecatedSignals a change in the player's experience.
Event.TEMPORARY.RoledeprecatedSignals a change in the player's current role.
Event.Title.AddSignals the addition of a new title.
Event.TooltipSignals that the tooltip has changed.
Event.UI.Button.Left.PressSignals that a Button has been pressed with the left mouse button. Equivalent to LeftClick, but t...
Event.UI.Checkbox.ChangeSignals that a checkbox's state has changed.
Event.UI.Input.Key.DownSignals that a keyboard key has been pressed. Requires key focus.
Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.GainSignals that a frame has gained the key focus.
Event.UI.Input.Key.Focus.LossSignals that a frame has lost the key focus.
Event.UI.Input.Key.RepeatSignals that a keyboard key is repeating. Requires key focus.
Event.UI.Input.Key.TypeSignals that text has been typed. Requires key focus.
Event.UI.Input.Key.UpSignals that a keyboard key has been released. Requires key focus.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.InSignals that the cursor has moved into a frame.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.MoveSignals that the cursor has moved within a frame.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Cursor.OutSignals that the cursor has moved out of a frame.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.ClickSignals that the user has clicked the left mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.DownSignals that the user has pressed the left mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.UpSignals that the user has released the left mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Left.UpoutsideSignals that the user has released the left mouse button off this frame after pressing it on this...
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.ClickSignals that the user has clicked the middle mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.DownSignals that the user has pressed the middle mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.UpSignals that the user has released the middle mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Middle.UpoutsideSignals that the user has released the middle mouse button off this frame after pressing it on th...
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.ClickSignals that the user has clicked the fourth mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.DownSignals that the user has pressed the fourth mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.UpSignals that the user has released the fourth mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse4.UpoutsideSignals that the user has released the fourth mouse button off this frame after pressing it on th...
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.ClickSignals that the user has clicked the fifth mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.DownSignals that the user has pressed the fifth mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.UpSignals that the user has released the fifth mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Mouse5.UpoutsideSignals that the user has released the fifth mouse button off this frame after pressing it on thi...
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.ClickSignals that the user has clicked the right mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.DownSignals that the user has pressed the right mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.UpSignals that the user has released the right mouse button.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Right.UpoutsideSignals that the user has released the right mouse button off this frame after pressing it on thi...
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.BackSignals that the user has moved the mousewheel back.
Event.UI.Input.Mouse.Wheel.ForwardSignals that the user has moved the mousewheel forwards.
Event.UI.Layout.LayerSignals a change in layer.
Event.UI.Layout.MoveSignals a change in the top-left corner's position. May be delayed after the actual movement.
Event.UI.Layout.SizeSignals a change in size. May be delayed after the actual change.
Event.UI.Layout.StrataSignals a change in strata.
Event.UI.Native.LoadedSignals a change in this native frame's loaded state.
Event.UI.Scrollbar.ChangeSignals a change in scrollbar position.
Event.UI.Scrollbar.GrabSignals that a scrollbar has been grabbed.
Event.UI.Scrollbar.ReleaseSignals that a scrollbar has been released.
Event.UI.Slider.ChangeSignals a change in slider position.
Event.UI.Slider.GrabSignals that a slider has been grabbed.
Event.UI.Slider.ReleaseSignals that a slider has been released.
Event.UI.Textfield.ChangeSignals a change in textfield contents.
Event.UI.Textfield.SelectSignals a change in textfield selection.
Event.Unit.AddSignals the addition of units to unit specifiers. Always preceded by Event.Unit.Change.Remove. Tr...
Event.Unit.Availability.FullSignals units entering Full availability.
Event.Unit.Availability.NoneSignals units leaving availability entirely.
Event.Unit.Availability.PartialSignals units entering Partial availability, possibly on the way to Full or None availability.
Event.Unit.CastbarSignals a unit's castbar changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.AbsorbSignals a unit's damage absorption changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.AfkSignals a unit's AFK flag changing. Will trigger only for partymembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.AggroSignals a unit's aggro flag changing. Will trigger only for groupmembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.BlockedSignals a unit's LOS-blocked flag changing. Will trigger only for groupmembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.ChargeSignals a unit's charge changing. Will trigger only for the player's unit ID.
Event.Unit.Detail.ChargeMaxSignals a unit's charge maximum changing. Will trigger only for the player's unit ID.
Event.Unit.Detail.CombatSignals a unit's combat status changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.ComboSignals a unit's combo points changing. Will trigger only for the player's unit ID.
Event.Unit.Detail.CoordSignals a change in the unit's location.
Event.Unit.Detail.EnergySignals a unit's energy changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.EnergyMaxSignals a unit's energy maximum changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.GuildSignals a unit's guild changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.HealthSignals a unit's health changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.HealthCapSignals a unit's health cap changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.HealthMaxSignals a unit's health maximum changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.LevelSignals a unit's level changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.LocationNameSignals a unit's location name changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.ManaSignals a unit's mana changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.ManaMaxSignals a unit's mana maximum changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.MarkSignals a unit's mark changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.MentoringSignals a unit's mentoring status changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.NameSignals a unit's name changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.OfflineSignals a unit's offline flag changing. Will trigger only for partymembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarSignals a unit's planar charges changing. Will trigger only for the player or groupmembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.PlanarMaxSignals a unit's maximum planar charges changing. Will trigger only for the player or groupmembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.PowerSignals a unit's power changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.PublicSizeSignals a unit's public group size or status changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.PvpSignals a unit's PvP flag changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.RadiusSignals a unit's radius changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.ReadySignals a unit's readycheck status changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.RoleSignals a unit's role changing. Will trigger only for the player or partymembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.TaggedSignals a unit's tagged status changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixIdSignals a unit's title prefix ID changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.TitlePrefixNamedeprecatedSignals a unit's localized title prefix changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixIdSignals a unit's title suffix ID changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.TitleSuffixNamedeprecatedSignals a unit's localized title suffix changing.
Event.Unit.Detail.VitalitySignals a unit's vitality changing. Will trigger only for the player or groupmembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.WarfrontSignals a unit's warfront flag changing. Will trigger only for partymembers.
Event.Unit.Detail.ZoneSignals a change in the unit's zone.
Event.Unit.RemoveSignals the removal of units from unit specifiers. Always followed by Event.Unit.Change.Add. Trig...
FrameA UI element of type Frame or derived from Frame.
Frame.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
Frame.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
Frame.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
Frame.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
Frame.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
Frame.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
Frame.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Frame.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Frame.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
Frame.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
Frame.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Frame.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Frame.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
Frame.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Frame.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Frame.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Frame.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
Frame.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Frame.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Frame.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Frame.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
Frame.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Frame.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
Frame.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Frame.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Frame.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Frame.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Frame.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Frame.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
Frame.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Frame.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Frame.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
Frame.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
Frame.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
Frame:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
Frame:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
Frame:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
Frame:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
Frame:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Frame:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Frame:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Frame:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Frame:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Frame:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
Frame:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
Frame:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Frame:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Frame:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
Frame:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Frame:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Frame:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
Frame:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
Frame:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Frame:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
Frame:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
Frame:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Frame:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Frame:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
Frame:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Frame:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
Frame:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
Frame:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
Frame:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Frame:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Frame:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
Frame:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Frame:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Frame:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Frame:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Frame:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
Frame:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
Frame:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
Frame:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
Frame:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
Frame:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
Frame:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
Frame:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
Frame:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
Frame:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
Frame:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
Frame:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
Frame:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
Frame:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
Frame:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
Inspect.Ability.New.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about abilities.
Inspect.Ability.New.ListfunctionList available abilities.
Inspect.Achievement.Category.DetailfunctionReturns information about achievement categories.
Inspect.Achievement.Category.ListfunctionReturns a table of valid achievement categories.
Inspect.Achievement.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about achievements.
Inspect.Achievement.ListfunctionReturns a table of all known achievements.
Inspect.Addon.CpufunctionReturns recent CPU usage information. This is calculated using an exponential-falloff method.
Inspect.Addon.CurrentfunctionReturns the current addon. This information is used internally for counting CPU usage and determi...
Inspect.Addon.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about loaded addons.
Inspect.Addon.ListfunctionLists all the addons that the client has loaded.
Inspect.Attunement.ProgressfunctionReturns information on your current attunement progress.
Inspect.Auction.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about auctions.
Inspect.Buff.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about the buffs on a unit.
Inspect.Buff.ListfunctionList buffs on a unit.
Inspect.Console.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about consoles.
Inspect.Console.ListfunctionReturns a table of the current open text consoles.
Inspect.Currency.Category.DetailfunctionReturns information about currency categories.
Inspect.Currency.Category.ListfunctionReturns a table of valid currency categories.
Inspect.Currency.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about currencies.
Inspect.Currency.ListfunctionReturns a table of all known currencies.
Inspect.CursorfunctionReturns the current contents of the cursor.
Inspect.Dimension.Layout.DetailfunctionReturns details about the specified dimension item.
Inspect.Dimension.Layout.ListfunctionReturns a list of dimension items in the dimension you're currently in, and whether or not they a...
Inspect.DocumentationfunctionProvide documentation on items in the addon environment. Called with no parameters, it returns a ...
Inspect.Event.ListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Inspect.ExperiencefunctionReturns information on your experience.
Inspect.Faction.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about factions.
Inspect.Faction.ListfunctionReturns a table of all known factions.
Inspect.Guild.Bank.CoinfunctionReturns the amount of money contained within the guild bank.
Inspect.Guild.Bank.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about guild bank vaults.
Inspect.Guild.Bank.ListfunctionReturns a table of all available guild bank vaults.
Inspect.Guild.MotdfunctionReturns the current guild Message of the Day.
Inspect.Guild.Rank.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about guild ranks.
Inspect.Guild.Rank.ListfunctionLists available guild ranks.
Inspect.Guild.Roster.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about guildmembers.
Inspect.Guild.Roster.ListfunctionLists guildmembers.
Inspect.InteractionfunctionProvides information about what types of interaction are available.
Inspect.Item.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about items.
Inspect.Item.FindfunctionFinds a slot specifier based on an item ID.
Inspect.Item.ListfunctionGenerate a list of item IDs from a slot specifier or set of slot specifiers.
Inspect.Mail.DetailfunctionReturns information about mail.
Inspect.Mail.ListfunctionReturns a table of valid mail and its status.
Inspect.Map.DetailfunctionReturns information about map locations.
Inspect.Map.ListfunctionReturns a table of map locations.
Inspect.Map.MonitorfunctionInspects the state of the map monitor flag. See Command.Map.Monitor() for details.
Inspect.Map.Waypoint.GetfunctionGets a unit's current waypoint.
Inspect.Message.Accept.CheckfunctionChecks whether a given message type would be accepted if it were sent to you. Parameters can be r...
Inspect.Message.Accept.ListfunctionRetrieves the list of accepted message types and identifiers.
Inspect.Minion.Adventure.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about minion adventures.
Inspect.Minion.Adventure.ListfunctionLists known minion adventures.
Inspect.Minion.Minion.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about minions.
Inspect.Minion.Minion.ListfunctionLists available minions.
Inspect.Minion.SlotfunctionReturns the total number of minion adventure slots.
Inspect.MousefunctionReturns information about the current mouse position and button state.
Inspect.Pvp.HistoryfunctionReturns information on your PVP history.
Inspect.Pvp.PrestigefunctionReturns information on your PVP prestige.
Inspect.Quest.CompletefunctionReturns a table of all quests completed.
Inspect.Quest.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about a quest.
Inspect.Quest.ListfunctionLists the player's current active quests.
Inspect.Queue.HandlerfunctionReturns the current queue handler function.
Inspect.Queue.StatusfunctionInspects the current queue status. Omit the first parameter to get a table containing information...
Inspect.Role.ListfunctionLists the player's roles.
Inspect.Setting.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about a setting.
Inspect.Setting.ListfunctionLists the player's current settings.
Inspect.ShardfunctionReturns information about the current shard.
Inspect.Social.Friend.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about a friend.
Inspect.Social.Friend.ListfunctionLists the player's current friends.
Inspect.Social.Ignore.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about an ignored player.
Inspect.Social.Ignore.ListfunctionLists the player's current ignored players.
Inspect.StatfunctionReturns information about the player's stats.
Inspect.Storage.UsedfunctionReturns the storage space currently used for a given segment.
Inspect.System.Error.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about an addon error.
Inspect.System.LanguagefunctionReturns the client's current language.
Inspect.System.SecurefunctionReturns the client's current secure mode.
Inspect.System.VersionfunctionReturns information on the client version.
Inspect.System.WatchdogfunctionReturns the number of seconds until the system watchdog may begin generating warnings.
Inspect.TEMPORARY.ExperiencefunctiondeprecatedReturns information about the player's experience.
Inspect.TEMPORARY.RolefunctiondeprecatedReturns the ID of the player's current role.
Inspect.Time.FramefunctionThe game time of the last frame. This function's return value will not change until the next frame.
Inspect.Time.RealfunctionA high-resolution realtime timer. Not measured in the same timespace as Inspect.Time.Frame.
Inspect.Time.ServerfunctionReturns the current server time.
Inspect.Title.Category.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about a title category.
Inspect.Title.Category.ListfunctionLists known title categories.
Inspect.Title.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about a title.
Inspect.Title.ListfunctionLists the player's currently available titles.
Inspect.TooltipfunctionReturns the current contents of the tooltip.
Inspect.Unit.CastbarfunctionProvides detailed information about a unit's castbar.
Inspect.Unit.DetailfunctionProvides detailed information about a unit.
Inspect.Unit.ListfunctionLists all the units that the client can see.
Inspect.Unit.LookupfunctionConverts unit IDs to unit specifiers and vice-versa.
Inspect.Zone.DetailfunctionReturns information about zones.
LayoutA UI element of type Layout or derived from Layout.
Layout.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Layout.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Layout:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Layout:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Layout:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Layout:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Layout:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Layout:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Layout:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Layout:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Layout:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Layout:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Layout:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Layout:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Layout:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Layout:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Layout:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Layout:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Layout:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Layout:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Layout:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Layout:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
MaskA UI element of type Mask or derived from Mask.
Mask.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
Mask.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
Mask.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
Mask.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
Mask.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
Mask.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
Mask.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Mask.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Mask.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
Mask.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
Mask.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Mask.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Mask.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
Mask.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Mask.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Mask.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Mask.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
Mask.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Mask.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Mask.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Mask.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
Mask.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Mask.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
Mask.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Mask.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Mask.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Mask.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Mask.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Mask.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
Mask.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Mask.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Mask.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
Mask.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
Mask.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
Mask:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
Mask:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
Mask:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
Mask:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
Mask:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Mask:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Mask:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Mask:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Mask:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Mask:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
Mask:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
Mask:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Mask:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Mask:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
Mask:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Mask:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Mask:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
Mask:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
Mask:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Mask:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
Mask:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
Mask:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Mask:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Mask:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
Mask:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Mask:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
Mask:GetShapefunctionReturns the current mask shape.
Mask:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
Mask:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
Mask:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Mask:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Mask:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
Mask:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Mask:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Mask:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Mask:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Mask:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
Mask:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
Mask:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
Mask:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
Mask:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
Mask:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
Mask:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
Mask:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
Mask:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
Mask:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
Mask:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
Mask:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
Mask:SetShapefunctionSets the mask shape. Note that masks with custom shapes will not cull mouse events according to t...
Mask:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
Mask:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
Mask:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
NativeA UI element of type Native or derived from Native.
Native.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
Native.Event:LoadedSignals a change in the item's loaded status.
Native.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Native.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Native.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
Native:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Native:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Native:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Native:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Native:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Native:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Native:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Native:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Native:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Native:GetLayerfunctionGets the native item's layer order.
Native:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Native:GetLoadedfunctionGets whether or not this native element is loaded and rendering.
Native:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Native:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Native:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Native:GetSecureModefunctionGet the native element's secure mode. See Frame:SetSecureMode() for details.
Native:GetStratafunctionGets the native item's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer d...
Native:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this native element.
Native:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Native:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Native:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Native:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Native:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Native:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Native:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
Native:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this native element. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascendi...
Native:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this native element.
RiftButtonA UI element of type RiftButton or derived from RiftButton.
RiftButton.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftButton.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftButton.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftButton.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftButton.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftButton.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
RiftButton.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftButton.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftButton.Event:LeftPressSignals that the button has been pressed. Equivalent to LeftClick, but triggers only while the bu...
RiftButton.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftButton.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftButton.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftButton.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftButton.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftButton.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftButton.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftButton.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftButton.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftButton.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftButton.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftButton.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftButton.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftButton.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftButton.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftButton.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftButton.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
RiftButton.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftButton.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftButton:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftButton:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
RiftButton:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
RiftButton:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
RiftButton:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftButton:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftButton:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftButton:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftButton:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftButton:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftButton:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftButton:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftButton:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftButton:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftButton:GetEnabledfunctionGets whether the button is enabled or grayed out.
RiftButton:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftButton:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftButton:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftButton:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
RiftButton:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftButton:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftButton:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
RiftButton:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftButton:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftButton:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
RiftButton:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftButton:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
RiftButton:GetSkinfunctionGets the current skin of this item.
RiftButton:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
RiftButton:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
RiftButton:GetTextfunctionGets this button's text.
RiftButton:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftButton:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftButton:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftButton:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftButton:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftButton:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftButton:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftButton:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftButton:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
RiftButton:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftButton:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftButton:SetEnabledfunctionSets whether the button is enabled or grayed out.
RiftButton:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
RiftButton:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftButton:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
RiftButton:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftButton:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
RiftButton:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
RiftButton:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
RiftButton:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
RiftButton:SetSkinfunctionSets the current skin of this item.
RiftButton:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
RiftButton:SetTextfunctionSets this button's text.
RiftButton:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftButton:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
RiftCheckboxA UI element of type RiftCheckbox or derived from RiftCheckbox.
RiftCheckbox.Event:CheckboxChangeSignals that the checkbox's checked state has changed.
RiftCheckbox.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftCheckbox.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftCheckbox.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftCheckbox.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftCheckbox.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftCheckbox.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
RiftCheckbox.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftCheckbox.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftCheckbox.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftCheckbox.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftCheckbox.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftCheckbox.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftCheckbox.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftCheckbox.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftCheckbox.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftCheckbox.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftCheckbox.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftCheckbox.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftCheckbox.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
RiftCheckbox.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftCheckbox.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftCheckbox:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftCheckbox:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftCheckbox:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftCheckbox:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftCheckbox:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftCheckbox:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftCheckbox:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftCheckbox:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetCheckedfunctionGets whether the button is checked or not.
RiftCheckbox:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftCheckbox:GetEnabledfunctionGets whether the checkbox is enabled or grayed out.
RiftCheckbox:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftCheckbox:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftCheckbox:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
RiftCheckbox:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftCheckbox:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
RiftCheckbox:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
RiftCheckbox:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
RiftCheckbox:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
RiftCheckbox:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
RiftCheckbox:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftCheckbox:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftCheckbox:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftCheckbox:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftCheckbox:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftCheckbox:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
RiftCheckbox:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftCheckbox:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftCheckbox:SetCheckedfunctionSets whether the checkbox is checked or not.
RiftCheckbox:SetEnabledfunctionSets whether the checkbox is enabled or grayed out.
RiftCheckbox:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
RiftCheckbox:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftCheckbox:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
RiftCheckbox:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftCheckbox:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
RiftCheckbox:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
RiftCheckbox:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
RiftCheckbox:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
RiftCheckbox:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
RiftCheckbox:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftCheckbox:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
RiftScrollbarA UI element of type RiftScrollbar or derived from RiftScrollbar.
RiftScrollbar.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftScrollbar.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftScrollbar.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftScrollbar.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftScrollbar.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftScrollbar.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
RiftScrollbar.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftScrollbar.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftScrollbar.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftScrollbar.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftScrollbar.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftScrollbar.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftScrollbar.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftScrollbar.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftScrollbar.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftScrollbar.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftScrollbar.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftScrollbar.Event:ScrollbarChangeSignals a change in the scrollbar position.
RiftScrollbar.Event:ScrollbarGrabSignals the user grabbing the scrollbar with the mouse.
RiftScrollbar.Event:ScrollbarReleaseSignals the user releasing the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftScrollbar.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
RiftScrollbar.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftScrollbar.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftScrollbar:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftScrollbar:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftScrollbar:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftScrollbar:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftScrollbar:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftScrollbar:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftScrollbar:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftScrollbar:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftScrollbar:GetEnabledfunctionGets whether the scrollbar is enabled or disabled.
RiftScrollbar:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftScrollbar:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftScrollbar:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
RiftScrollbar:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftScrollbar:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
RiftScrollbar:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetOrientationfunctionGets the current orientation of the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
RiftScrollbar:GetPositionfunctionReturns the current position of the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar:GetRangefunctionReturns the current range of the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
RiftScrollbar:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
RiftScrollbar:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
RiftScrollbar:GetThicknessfunctionReturns the thickness of the scrollbar handle. Size is relative to the range.
RiftScrollbar:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftScrollbar:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftScrollbar:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftScrollbar:NudgefunctionModify the scrollbar position, clamped to the current bounds.
RiftScrollbar:NudgeDownfunctionShift the scrollbar down (i.e. away from zero) by a standard amount.
RiftScrollbar:NudgeUpfunctionShift the scrollbar up (i.e. towards zero) by a standard amount.
RiftScrollbar:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftScrollbar:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftScrollbar:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
RiftScrollbar:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftScrollbar:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftScrollbar:SetEnabledfunctionSets whether the scrollbar is enabled or disabled.
RiftScrollbar:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
RiftScrollbar:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftScrollbar:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
RiftScrollbar:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftScrollbar:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
RiftScrollbar:SetOrientationfunctionSets the orientation of the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
RiftScrollbar:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
RiftScrollbar:SetPositionfunctionChanges the current position of the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar:SetRangefunctionChanges the current range of the scrollbar.
RiftScrollbar:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
RiftScrollbar:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
RiftScrollbar:SetThicknessfunctionSets the current thickness of the scrollbar handle. Size is relative to the range.
RiftScrollbar:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftScrollbar:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
RiftSliderA UI element of type RiftSlider or derived from RiftSlider.
RiftSlider.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftSlider.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftSlider.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftSlider.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftSlider.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftSlider.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
RiftSlider.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftSlider.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftSlider.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftSlider.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftSlider.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftSlider.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftSlider.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftSlider.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftSlider.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftSlider.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftSlider.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftSlider.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftSlider.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftSlider.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftSlider.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftSlider.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftSlider.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftSlider.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftSlider.Event:SliderChangeSignals a change in the slider position.
RiftSlider.Event:SliderGrabSignals the user grabbing the slider with the mouse.
RiftSlider.Event:SliderReleaseSignals the user releasing the slider.
RiftSlider.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
RiftSlider.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftSlider.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftSlider:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftSlider:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
RiftSlider:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
RiftSlider:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
RiftSlider:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftSlider:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftSlider:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftSlider:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftSlider:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftSlider:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftSlider:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftSlider:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftSlider:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftSlider:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftSlider:GetEnabledfunctionGets whether the slider is enabled or grayed out.
RiftSlider:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftSlider:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftSlider:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftSlider:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
RiftSlider:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftSlider:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftSlider:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
RiftSlider:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftSlider:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftSlider:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
RiftSlider:GetPositionfunctionReturns the current position of the slider.
RiftSlider:GetRangefunctionReturns the current range of the slider.
RiftSlider:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftSlider:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
RiftSlider:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
RiftSlider:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
RiftSlider:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftSlider:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftSlider:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftSlider:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftSlider:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftSlider:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftSlider:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftSlider:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftSlider:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
RiftSlider:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftSlider:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftSlider:SetEnabledfunctionSets whether the slider is enabled or grayed out.
RiftSlider:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
RiftSlider:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftSlider:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
RiftSlider:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftSlider:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
RiftSlider:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
RiftSlider:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
RiftSlider:SetPositionfunctionChanges the current position of the slider.
RiftSlider:SetRangefunctionSets the current range of the slider.
RiftSlider:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
RiftSlider:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
RiftSlider:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftSlider:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
RiftTextfieldA UI element of type RiftTextfield or derived from RiftTextfield.
RiftTextfield.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftTextfield.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftTextfield.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftTextfield.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftTextfield.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftTextfield.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
RiftTextfield.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftTextfield.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftTextfield.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftTextfield.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftTextfield.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftTextfield.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftTextfield.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftTextfield.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftTextfield.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftTextfield.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftTextfield.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftTextfield.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftTextfield.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftTextfield.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftTextfield.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftTextfield.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftTextfield.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftTextfield.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftTextfield.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
RiftTextfield.Event:TextfieldChangeSignals that the textfield's text has changed.
RiftTextfield.Event:TextfieldSelectSignals that the textfield's selection has changed.
RiftTextfield.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftTextfield.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftTextfield:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftTextfield:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
RiftTextfield:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
RiftTextfield:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
RiftTextfield:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftTextfield:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftTextfield:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftTextfield:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftTextfield:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftTextfield:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftTextfield:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftTextfield:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftTextfield:GetCursorfunctionReturns the current position of the cursor.
RiftTextfield:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftTextfield:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftTextfield:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
RiftTextfield:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftTextfield:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
RiftTextfield:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
RiftTextfield:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
RiftTextfield:GetSelectionfunctionReturns the current bounds of the selected text.
RiftTextfield:GetSelectionTextfunctionGet the current selected text for this element. Returns nil if no text has been selected.
RiftTextfield:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
RiftTextfield:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
RiftTextfield:GetTextfunctionGet the current text for this element.
RiftTextfield:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftTextfield:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftTextfield:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftTextfield:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftTextfield:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftTextfield:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftTextfield:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftTextfield:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
RiftTextfield:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftTextfield:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftTextfield:SetCursorfunctionChanges the current position of the cursor.
RiftTextfield:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
RiftTextfield:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftTextfield:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
RiftTextfield:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftTextfield:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
RiftTextfield:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
RiftTextfield:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
RiftTextfield:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
RiftTextfield:SetSelectionfunctionSets the current bounds of the selected text. Call with no arguments to remove the current select...
RiftTextfield:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
RiftTextfield:SetTextfunctionSet the current text for this element.
RiftTextfield:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftTextfield:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
RiftWindowA UI element of type RiftWindow or derived from RiftWindow.
RiftWindow.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftWindow.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftWindow.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftWindow.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftWindow.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftWindow.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
RiftWindow.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftWindow.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftWindow.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftWindow.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftWindow.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftWindow.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftWindow.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftWindow.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftWindow.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftWindow.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftWindow.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftWindow.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftWindow.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftWindow.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftWindow.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftWindow.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftWindow.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftWindow.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftWindow.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
RiftWindow.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftWindow.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftWindow:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftWindow:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
RiftWindow:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
RiftWindow:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
RiftWindow:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftWindow:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftWindow:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftWindow:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftWindow:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftWindow:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftWindow:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftWindow:GetBorderfunctionGets the element representing the window border.
RiftWindow:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftWindow:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftWindow:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftWindow:GetContentfunctionGets the element representing the window content area.
RiftWindow:GetControllerfunctionGets the ID of the current controller for this window.
RiftWindow:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftWindow:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftWindow:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftWindow:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
RiftWindow:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftWindow:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftWindow:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
RiftWindow:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftWindow:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftWindow:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
RiftWindow:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftWindow:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
RiftWindow:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
RiftWindow:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
RiftWindow:GetTitlefunctionGet the current title for this element.
RiftWindow:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftWindow:GetTrimDimensionsfunctionGets the thicknesses of the border's visual trim.
RiftWindow:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftWindow:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftWindow:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftWindow:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftWindow:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftWindow:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftWindow:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftWindow:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
RiftWindow:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftWindow:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftWindow:SetControllerfunctionSets the current controller for this window. The controller will take on the exact dimensions of ...
RiftWindow:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
RiftWindow:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftWindow:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
RiftWindow:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftWindow:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
RiftWindow:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
RiftWindow:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
RiftWindow:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
RiftWindow:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
RiftWindow:SetTitlefunctionSet the current title for this element.
RiftWindow:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftWindow:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftWindowBorder.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftWindowBorder.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftWindowBorder:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftWindowBorder:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftWindowBorder:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftWindowBorder:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftWindowBorder:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftWindowBorder:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftWindowBorder:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftWindowBorder:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftWindowBorder:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftWindowBorder:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftWindowBorder:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftWindowBorder:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftWindowBorder:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftWindowBorder:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftWindowBorder:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftWindowBorder:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
RiftWindowContent.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
RiftWindowContent.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
RiftWindowContent.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
RiftWindowContent.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
RiftWindowContent.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
RiftWindowContent.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftWindowContent.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
RiftWindowContent.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
RiftWindowContent.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
RiftWindowContent.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
RiftWindowContent.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
RiftWindowContent.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
RiftWindowContent.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftWindowContent.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
RiftWindowContent.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
RiftWindowContent.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
RiftWindowContent.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
RiftWindowContent.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
RiftWindowContent.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
RiftWindowContent:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
RiftWindowContent:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
RiftWindowContent:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
RiftWindowContent:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftWindowContent:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
RiftWindowContent:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
RiftWindowContent:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
RiftWindowContent:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
RiftWindowContent:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
RiftWindowContent:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
RiftWindowContent:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
RiftWindowContent:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
RiftWindowContent:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
RiftWindowContent:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
RiftWindowContent:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
RiftWindowContent:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
RiftWindowContent:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
RiftWindowContent:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
RiftWindowContent:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
RiftWindowContent:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
RiftWindowContent:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
RiftWindowContent:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
RiftWindowContent:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
TextA UI element of type Text or derived from Text.
Text.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
Text.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
Text.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
Text.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
Text.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
Text.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
Text.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Text.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Text.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
Text.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
Text.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Text.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Text.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
Text.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Text.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Text.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Text.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
Text.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Text.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Text.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Text.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
Text.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Text.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
Text.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Text.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Text.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Text.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Text.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Text.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
Text.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Text.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Text.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
Text.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
Text.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
Text:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
Text:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
Text:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
Text:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
Text:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Text:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Text:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Text:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Text:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Text:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
Text:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
Text:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Text:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Text:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
Text:GetEffectBlurfunctionGets the current parameters for the Blur effect.
Text:GetEffectGlowfunctionGets the current parameters for the Glow effect.
Text:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Text:GetFontfunctionGets the current font used for this element.
Text:GetFontColorfunctionGets the current font color for this element.
Text:GetFontSizefunctionGets the font size of the current element.
Text:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Text:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
Text:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
Text:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Text:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
Text:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
Text:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Text:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Text:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
Text:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Text:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
Text:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
Text:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
Text:GetTextfunctionGet the current text for this element.
Text:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Text:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Text:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
Text:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Text:GetWordwrapfunctionGets the wordwrap flag for this element.
Text:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Text:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Text:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Text:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
Text:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
Text:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
Text:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
Text:SetEffectBlurfunctionSets the parameters for the Blur effect.
Text:SetEffectGlowfunctionSets the parameters for the Glow effect.
Text:SetFontfunctionSets the current font used for this element.
Text:SetFontColorfunctionSets the current font color for this element.
Text:SetFontSizefunctionSets the current font size of this element.
Text:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
Text:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
Text:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
Text:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
Text:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
Text:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
Text:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
Text:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
Text:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
Text:SetTextfunctionSets the current text for this element.
Text:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
Text:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
Text:SetWordwrapfunctionSets the wordwrap flag for this element.
TextureA UI element of type Texture or derived from Texture.
Texture.Event:KeyDownSignals a key pressed.
Texture.Event:KeyFocusGainSignals gaining key focus.
Texture.Event:KeyFocusLossSignals losing key focus.
Texture.Event:KeyTypeSignals text typed.
Texture.Event:KeyUpSignals a key released.
Texture.Event:LayerSignals a change in the item's layer.
Texture.Event:LeftClickSignals that the mouse's left button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Texture.Event:LeftDownSignals that the mouse's left button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events ...
Texture.Event:LeftUpSignals that the mouse's left button has been released inside the frame. Blocks left mouse events...
Texture.Event:LeftUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's left button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message....
Texture.Event:MiddleClickSignals that the mouse's middle button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Texture.Event:MiddleDownSignals that the mouse's middle button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse eve...
Texture.Event:MiddleUpSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released inside the frame. Blocks middle mouse ev...
Texture.Event:MiddleUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's middle button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Texture.Event:Mouse4ClickSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Texture.Event:Mouse4DownSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fourth button mo...
Texture.Event:Mouse4UpSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fourth button m...
Texture.Event:Mouse4UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fourth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" messag...
Texture.Event:Mouse5ClickSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Texture.Event:Mouse5DownSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mous...
Texture.Event:Mouse5UpSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released inside the frame. Blocks fifth button mou...
Texture.Event:Mouse5UpoutsideSignals that the mouse's fifth button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Texture.Event:MouseInSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved onto the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from fr...
Texture.Event:MouseMoveSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved within the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Texture.Event:MouseOutSignals that the mouse cursor has been moved off of the frame. Blocks mouse movement events from ...
Texture.Event:MoveSignals that the frame's vertices have moved.
Texture.Event:RightClickSignals that the mouse's right button has been clicked inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Texture.Event:RightDownSignals that the mouse's right button has been pressed inside the frame. Blocks right mouse event...
Texture.Event:RightUpSignals that the mouse's right button has been released inside the frame. Blocks right mouse even...
Texture.Event:RightUpoutsideSignals that the mouse's right button has been released outside the frame, after a "Down" message...
Texture.Event:SizeSignals that the frame's size has changed.
Texture.Event:StrataSignals a change in the item's strata.
Texture.Event:WheelBackSignals that the mousewheel has been moved backward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fr...
Texture.Event:WheelForwardSignals that the mousewheel has been moved forward inside the frame. Blocks mousewheel events fro...
Texture:ClearAllfunctionClear all set points and sizes from this frame.
Texture:ClearHeightfunctionClear a set height from this frame.
Texture:ClearPointfunctionClear a set point from this frame.
Texture:ClearWidthfunctionClear a set width from this frame.
Texture:EventAttachfunctionAttaches an event handler to an event.
Texture:EventDetachfunctionDetaches an event handler from an event. Any parameter can be 'nil', and this is interpreted as a...
Texture:EventListfunctionLists the current event handlers for an event.
Texture:EventMacroGetfunctionGets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Texture:EventMacroSetfunctionSets the macro that will be triggered when this event occurs.
Texture:GetAlphafunctionGets the alpha multiplier of this frame.
Texture:GetBackgroundColorfunctionRetrieves the background color of this frame.
Texture:GetBottomfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the bottom edge of this element.
Texture:GetBoundsfunctionRetrieves the complete bounds of this element.
Texture:GetChildrenfunctionReturns a table containing all of this element's children.
Texture:GetEventTablefunctionRetrieves the event table of this element. By default, this value is also stored in "this.Event".
Texture:GetHeightfunctionRetrieves the height of this element.
Texture:GetKeyFocusfunctionGets the key focus status.
Texture:GetLayerfunctionGets the frame's layer order.
Texture:GetLeftfunctionRetrieves the X position of the left edge of this element.
Texture:GetMouseMaskingfunctionGet the current mouse masking mode. See SetMouseMasking for details.
Texture:GetMouseoverUnitfunctionGets the unit that is being represented by this frame.
Texture:GetNamefunctionRetrieves the name of this element.
Texture:GetOwnerfunctionRetrieves the owner of this element.
Texture:GetParentfunctionGets the parent of this frame.
Texture:GetRightfunctionRetrieves the X position of the right edge of this element.
Texture:GetSecureModefunctionGet the current secure mode. See SetSecureMode for details.
Texture:GetStratafunctionGets the frame's strata. The strata determines render order on a coarser level than Layer does, a...
Texture:GetStrataListfunctionGets a list of valid stratas for this frame.
Texture:GetTexturefunctionGets the current texture used for this element.
Texture:GetTextureHeightfunctionReturns the actual pixel height of the current texture.
Texture:GetTextureWidthfunctionReturns the actual pixel width of the current texture.
Texture:GetTopfunctionRetrieves the Y position of the top edge of this element.
Texture:GetTypefunctionRetrieves the type of this element.
Texture:GetVisiblefunctionGets the visibility flag for this frame.
Texture:GetWidthfunctionRetrieves the width of this element.
Texture:ReadAllfunctionRead all set points and sizes from this frame.
Texture:ReadHeightfunctionRead a set height from this frame.
Texture:ReadPointfunctionRead a set point from this frame. Must be given a single-axis coordinate.
Texture:ReadWidthfunctionRead a set width from this frame.
Texture:SetAllPointsfunctionPins all the edges of this frame to the edges of a different frame. If no target is given, defaul...
Texture:SetAlphafunctionSets the alpha transparency multiplier for this frame and its children.
Texture:SetBackgroundColorfunctionSets the background color of this frame.
Texture:SetHeightfunctionSets the height of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned Y coordinates.
Texture:SetKeyFocusfunctionSets the key focus status. Note that only one frame can be the key focus at a time. Focusing on a...
Texture:SetLayerfunctionSets the frame layer for this frame. This can be any number. Frames are drawn in ascending order....
Texture:SetMouseMaskingfunctionSets the frame's mouse masking mode.
Texture:SetMouseoverUnitfunctionSets the unit that will be represented by this frame.
Texture:SetParentfunctionSets the parent of this frame. Circular dependencies result in undefined behavior. If this frame'...
Texture:SetPointfunctionPins a point on this frame to a location on another frame. This is a rather complex function and ...
Texture:SetSecureModefunctionSets the frame's secure mode.
"normal" is the standard mode. It allows for most functionality to ...
Texture:SetStratafunctionSets the strata for this frame.
Texture:SetTexturefunctionSets the current texture used for this element.
Texture:SetVisiblefunctionSets the frame's visibility flag. If set to false, then this frame and all its children will not ...
Texture:SetWidthfunctionSets the width of this frame. Undefined results if the frame already has two pinned X coordinates.
UI.ContextLists all contexts that have been created. Organizes them under [addonIdentifier][contextIdentifi...
UI.CreateContextfunctionCreates a new UI context. A UI context must be created in order to create any frames.
UI.CreateFramefunctionCreates a new frame. Frames are the blocks that all addon UIs are made out of. Since all frames m...
UI.FrameLists all frames that have been created. Organizes them under [addonIdentifier][contextIdentifier...
UI.Native.AbilityThe Ability dialog.
UI.Native.AccoladeThe Warfront accolade HUD.
UI.Native.AchievementThe Achievement dialog.
UI.Native.AchievementPopupThe "Achievement Complete" popup.
UI.Native.AdventureThe Instant Adventure dialog.
UI.Native.AscendThe Ascend-a-Friend dialog.
UI.Native.AttunementThe Planar Attunement dialog.
UI.Native.AuctionThe Auction dialog.
UI.Native.BagThe bag and currency HUD.
UI.Native.BagBank1The first bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank2The second bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank3The third bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank4The fourth bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank5The fifth bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank6The sixth bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank7The seventh bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagBank8The eighth bank inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory1The first main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory2The second main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory3The third main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory4The fourth main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory5The fifth main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory6The sixth main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory7The seventh main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BagInventory8The eighth main inventory bag.
UI.Native.BankThe Bank dialog.
UI.Native.BankGuildThe Guild Bank dialog.
UI.Native.BarBottom1The first extra bottom action bar.
UI.Native.BarBottom2The second extra bottom action bar.
UI.Native.BarBottom3The third extra bottom action bar.
UI.Native.BarBottom4The fourth extra bottom action bar.
UI.Native.BarBottom5The fifth extra bottom action bar.
UI.Native.BarBottom6The sixth extra bottom action bar.
UI.Native.BarMainThe main action bar.
UI.Native.BarPetThe pet action bar.
UI.Native.BarSide1The first extra side action bar.
UI.Native.BarSide2The second extra side action bar.
UI.Native.BarSide3The third extra side action bar.
UI.Native.BarSide4The fourth extra side action bar.
UI.Native.BarTemporaryThe action bar used for temporary abilities.
UI.Native.BreathThe breath/fatigue bar.
UI.Native.BuffbarThe player's buff bar.
UI.Native.CastbarThe player's cast bar.
UI.Native.CharacterThe Character dialog.
UI.Native.ChronicleThe Chronicles dialog.
UI.Native.CoinlockThe Coin Lock button.
UI.Native.Console1The first console window.
UI.Native.Console2The second console window.
UI.Native.Console3The third console window.
UI.Native.Console4The fourth console window.
UI.Native.Console5The fifth console window.
UI.Native.Console6The sixth console window.
UI.Native.Console7The seventh console window.
UI.Native.ConsoleSettingThe console settings dialog.
UI.Native.CraftingThe Crafting dialog.
UI.Native.CtfThe Capture-the-Flag status indicator.
UI.Native.GuestThe guest invite dialog for weddings.
UI.Native.GuildThe Guild dialog.
UI.Native.GuildCharterThe Guild Charter dialog.
UI.Native.GuildFinderThe Guild Finder dialog.
UI.Native.ImportThe Import dialog, as reached from the escape menu.
UI.Native.KeybindThe Keybind dialog.
UI.Native.LayoutThe UI Layout dialog.
UI.Native.LeaderboardThe Leaderboard dialog.
UI.Native.LfgThe Looking-for-Group dialog.
UI.Native.LootThe Loot dialog.
UI.Native.MacroThe Macro dialog.
UI.Native.MacroIconThe Macro icons list.
UI.Native.MacroSlashThe Macro slash commands list.
UI.Native.MailThe Mail dialog.
UI.Native.MailReadThe currently-being-read Mail dialog.
UI.Native.MapMainThe main map.
UI.Native.MapMiniThe minimap.
UI.Native.MechanicPlayerThe player-focused class-specific-mechanic HUD element.
UI.Native.MechanicTargetThe target-focused class-specific-mechanic HUD element.
UI.Native.MentorThe Mentoring popup.
UI.Native.MenuThe main menu HUD element.
UI.Native.MessageEventThe event-related message popup.
UI.Native.MessageStandardThe generic message popup.
UI.Native.MessageTextThe generic text popup.
UI.Native.MessageWarfrontThe warfront-related message popup.
UI.Native.MessageZoneThe zone-related message popup.
UI.Native.NotificationThe notification message popup.
UI.Native.NotifyThe public-group/return-to-graveyard popup button.
UI.Native.PortraitFocusThe portrait of your focus target.
UI.Native.PortraitParty1The portrait of your first partymember.
UI.Native.PortraitParty1PetThe portrait of your first partymember's pet.
UI.Native.PortraitParty2The portrait of your second partymember.
UI.Native.PortraitParty2PetThe portrait of your second partymember's pet.
UI.Native.PortraitParty3The portrait of your third partymember.
UI.Native.PortraitParty3PetThe portrait of your third partymember's pet.
UI.Native.PortraitParty4The portrait of your fourth partymember.
UI.Native.PortraitParty4PetThe portrait of your fourth partymember's pet.
UI.Native.PortraitPetThe portrait of your pet.
UI.Native.PortraitPlayerYour portrait.
UI.Native.PortraitTargetThe portrait of your target.
UI.Native.PortraitTargetTargetThe portrait of your target's target.
UI.Native.QuestThe Quest dialog.
UI.Native.QuestStickiesThe Quest sticky HUD.
UI.Native.QuestionThe general-purpose question popup.
UI.Native.RaidThe Raid dialog.
UI.Native.RaidGroup1The raid frame for your raid's first group.
UI.Native.RaidGroup1PetThe raid frame for your raid's first group's pets.
UI.Native.RaidGroup2The raid frame for your raid's second group.
UI.Native.RaidGroup2PetThe raid frame for your raid's second group's pets.
UI.Native.RaidGroup3The raid frame for your raid's third group.
UI.Native.RaidGroup3PetThe raid frame for your raid's third group's pets.
UI.Native.RaidGroup4The raid frame for your raid's fourth group.
UI.Native.RaidGroup4PetThe raid frame for your raid's fourth group's pets.
UI.Native.RaidPartyThe raid frame used for displaying your party as a raid.
UI.Native.RaidPartyPetThe raid frame used for displaying your party's pets as a raid.
UI.Native.ReactiveThe reactive-ability popup.
UI.Native.RecallThe set-recall-point dialog.
UI.Native.RespecThe respec dialog.
UI.Native.RiftThe Rift meter HUD.
UI.Native.Roll1The first loot-roll popup.
UI.Native.Roll2The second loot-roll popup.
UI.Native.Roll3The third loot-roll popup.
UI.Native.Roll4The fourth loot-roll popup.
UI.Native.SettingThe Settings dialog.
UI.Native.SocialThe Social dialog.
UI.Native.SoulThe Soul Tree dialog.
UI.Native.SplitThe stack split popup.
UI.Native.StreamingThe icon that indicates your current streaming download status.
UI.Native.TicketThe Customer Service Ticket dialog.
UI.Native.TipThe Game Tip dialog.
UI.Native.TipAlertThe Game Tip notification popup.
UI.Native.TooltipThe tooltip.
UI.Native.TooltipAnchorThe location that tooltips are anchored to by default.
UI.Native.TradeThe Trade dialog.
UI.Native.TrayThe icon tray used for the clock, mail notification, and similar elements.
UI.Native.TraySocialThe icon tray used for social notifications.
UI.Native.TreasureThe Treasure popup used to claim dungeon loot.
UI.Native.TrialThe Trial dialog.
UI.Native.UpgradeThe Upgrade portrait, used for targets that are upgradeable.
UI.Native.WarfrontThe Warfront dialog.
UI.Native.WarfrontLeaderboardThe Warfront Leaderboard dialog.
UI.Native.WorldThe World Event dialog.
Utility.Auction.CostfunctiondeprecatedReturns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given auction.
Utility.Auction.CostOrderfunctionReturns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given order.
Utility.Auction.CostPostfunctionReturns the amount of silver it will cost to post a given auction.
Utility.DispatchfunctionCalls a function, crediting that function's execution and errors to a specific addon. Errors will...
Utility.Event.CreatefunctionCreates a custom event. Takes an identifier and an event path as parameters. Called with Create("...
Utility.Item.Slot.AllfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for all known items.
Utility.Item.Slot.BankfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's bank.
Utility.Item.Slot.EquipmentfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's equipment.
Utility.Item.Slot.GuildfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's guild bank.
Utility.Item.Slot.InventoryfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's inventory.
Utility.Item.Slot.ParsefunctionParses a slot specifier, returning information on what it represents.
Utility.Item.Slot.QuestfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's quest bag.
Utility.Item.Slot.VaultfunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's bank vaults.
Utility.Item.Slot.WardrobefunctionGenerates a slot specifier for the player's wardrobe.
Utility.Mail.CostfunctionReturns the amount of silver it will cost to send a given mail.
Utility.Matrix.CreatefunctionCreates a transformation matrix table. These can also be created by hand; this is simply a conven...
Utility.Message.LimitsfunctionReturns information on the message bandwidth limits.
Utility.Message.SizefunctionReturns the size of a message, as used for bandwidth control.
Utility.Serialize.FullfunctionSerializes a table of parameters. Results in a string suitable for feeding directly into loadstri...
Utility.Serialize.InlinefunctionSerializes a single parameter. Results in a string suitable for use as a parameter in Lua code. I...
Utility.Storage.ChecksumfunctionCalculates the storage checksum of a string.
Utility.Storage.LimitsfunctionReturns information on the storage bandwidth limits.
Utility.Storage.SizefunctionReturns the size of a stored element, as used for storage quota and bandwidth control.
Utility.TypefunctionDetermines the type of a given item. Understands Rift-specific identifiers.
Utility.Unit.AvailabilityfunctionReturns information on which detail members are available in which availability mode.
abilityAn ability, represented by a standard identifier with an 'a' prefix.
achievementAn achievement, represented by a standard identifier with a 'c' prefix.
achievementcategoryAn achievement category, represented by a standard identifier with a 'C' prefix.
auctionAn auction, represented by a standard identifier with an 'o' prefix.
booleanA value of type 'boolean'.
buffA buff, represented by a standard identifier with a 'b' prefix.
callbackfunctionA callback function, used to signal success or failure. Must be a function that takes two paramet...
consoleA text console, represented by a standard ID with a 'v' prefix.
currencycategoryA currency category, represented by a standard identifier with a 'N' prefix.
dimensionitemA dimension item, represented by a standard identifier with a 'd' prefix.
dumpfunctionDebug utility function. Similar to print(), but serializes any table parameters before outputting.
errorAn error, represented by a standard ID with an 'x' prefix.
eventFrameA frame event handle.
eventGlobalA global event handle.
factionA faction, represented by a standard ID with an 'f' prefix.
frameEventTableA frame event table of a UI element.
functionA value of type 'function'.
function/nilA value of type "function" or "nil".
function/stringA value of type "function" or "string".
function/string/nilA value of type "function", "string", or "nil".
guildrankA guild rank, represented by a standard identifier with a 'k' prefix.
guildwallA guild wall ID, represented by a standard identifier with a 'w' prefix.
handleEventFrameA handle for active frame events. Includes the member :GetTarget(), which returns the target fram...
handleEventGlobalA handle for active global events. Currently contains no members.
itemAn item, represented by either a standard identifier with an 'i' prefix or a slot.
itemtypeAn item type, represented by a nonstandard identifier with an 'I' prefix.
locationA map location, represented by a nonstandard identifier with an 'l' prefix.
mailA mail, represented by a standard identifier with an 'm' prefix.
minionadventureA minion adventure, represented by a standard identifier with a 'mn.adv.' prefix.
minionminionA minion, represented by a standard identifier with a '' prefix.
nilA value of type 'nil'.
numberA value of type 'number'. May not be NaN.
number/nilA value of type 'number' or 'nil'. May not be NaN.
questA quest, represented by a standard identifier with a 'q' prefix.
roleA role, represented by a standard identifier with a "h" prefix.
slotAn item slot, represented by a nonstandard identifier with an 's' prefix, as generated by the Uti...
stringA value of type 'string'.
string/nilA value of type 'string' or 'nil'.
tableA value of type 'table'.
titleA title, represented by a standard identifier with a 't' prefix.
titlecategoryA title category, represented by a standard identifier with a 'T' prefix.
unitA unit, represented by either a standard identifier with a 'u' prefix or by a unit specifier. Uni...
variantA value of any type.
zoneA zone, represented by a standard identifier with a 'z' prefix.